Weird Walk Zine
Formed in the hinterland between the bucolic and the eerie, Weird Walk began as three friends walking an ancient trackway across southern England wearing incorrect footwear. Being out in the countryside for extended periods, away from screens and distractions, sparked a creative enthusiasm for the countless stories in the landscape. Stopping off at Neolithic burial chambers, sacred hills, Iron Age earthworks, misreading maps, and sleeping in haunted pubs, all the while slowly becoming aware that the further from the towns and cities they walked, the wider the temporal boundaries grew.
By walking the ancient paths, visiting the sacred sites, and immersing themselves in the folklore and customs of these isles, the authors hope to fan the faint embers of magic that still smoulder in the grate and conjure that elusive temporal trackway of history and mystery, a weird walk that bypasses nostalgia and leads us back towards optimism and re-enchantment.
Issues 1-7. 48 page A5 zine. Printed on high quality PEFC certified recycled stock